





Global Governance Panel, 17 November 2019


In the Global Governance Panel, First, Mr. Sayid Abdullaev spoke about his own experience as a refugee in the US. He spoke of two reactions he saw in people: one of fear for having someone different, and the other one was sympathy for his situation. He shared his initiative to change the perception of people towards refugees, involving young people and making a social movement. He worked for the United Nations, focusing on the World Humanitarian Summit and youth activation programs. He has founded multiple initiatives for refugee empowerment, youth for peace, and LGBTQ. He stressed the importance of involving refugees themselves in all initiatives involving refugees.


Next, Dr. Naoko Hashimoto of Hitotsubashi University, discussed pros and cons of proliferation of resettlement and ‘new ways’ of admitting refugees. Resettlement provides refugees with a durable solution, but an analysis of resettlement policies shows diversity of policies: while many host States are focusing on people’s vulnerability, a few States are focusing almost exclusively on their prospect of integration. Increasingly, resettlement is unclear in its quantity, selection criteria and process. Moreover, it may be argued that resettlement is used as an alternative to granting asylum. There are additionally ‘new forms’ of refugee admission, such as work permit, student visa, family reunification and private sponsorship, some of which allow taking in refugees without formally accepting them as refugees. It is questionable whether they appropriately complement refugee protection mechanism rather than diluting refugees’ rights.


Lastly, Prof. Eiji Oyamada of Doshisha University reported that globalization made corruption into a different shape. Corruption is now seen as a global issue, and corruption needs to be tackled through implementation of SDGs and international or regional agreements. Opportunities for corruption during humanitarian operation are many and systematic, but the existence of non-financial forms of corruption make it difficult to trace corruption systematically. 


The panel was moderated by Dr. Ai Kihara-Hunt of the University of Tokyo.


(316 words)

11月16-17日 難民・移民についての国際会議 プレナリー

JAHSS JASID conference plenary



Plenary Panel (16 November 2019)


The plenary panel analyzed the global and Japanese trends on refugees and migrants. It was moderated by Dr. Ai Kihara-Hunt, the University of Tokyo.


First, Dr. Jeff Crisp of Oxford University identified recent global trends in relation to refugees and displaced people, and suggested that these trends created a "global refugee crisis." He argued that the international community had been too slow in addressing this situation. Dr. Crisp explained the importance of the Global Compact on Refugees, while identifying its weaknesses and limitations. He suggested that progress is being made at the operational level, in terms of the way that UNHCR and other actors are meeting the needs of refugees.


Next, Ambassador Eva Åkerman Börje of International Organization for Migration spoke about the Global Compact for Migration. She introduced key figures on migration and preceding initiatives of the international community leading to the Global Compact (endorsed by the UN General Assembly in December 2018). She referred to the contents of the Compact focusing on improving cooperation. She explained that its implementation is not static and introduced various networks for its implementation.


Following that, Prof. Saburo Takizawa, former Representative of UNHCR Japan Office, addressed the Japanese context for refugees and migrants. He explained that three drivers exist: economic driver as a pull factor, social driver as a push-back factor, and political driver that balances the two. He made a critical evaluation of Japan’s policy and society that Japan lacks humanity. The presenter then argued that Japan’s new immigration policy shows a paradigm shift.


Commentator Dr. Diana Kartika of the University of Tokyo introduced factors for Singapore’s closed-door policy, and stressed the importance of whole-of-society approach. She highlighted shortcomings in terms of inclusive education for migrants and displaced persons, and stressed the importance of addressing their pathways to employment.


(297 words)

Report by Dr. Ai Kihara-Hunt, the University of Tokyo

11月16-17日 難民・移民と教育 国際会議



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